7-Day Intermediate Pilates Reset & Runner’s World Run Streak (39 days)

I’ve decided to do a Pilates 7-Day Reset & join in on the Runner’s World Run Streak. I’m late because I didn’t start on Thanksgiving (or the day after), but I did start today.

9/3 (11/26): ✔️ 9/18 (12/11): ✔️ 9/29 (12/22): ✔️ 10/9 (1/1): ✔️

9/4 (11/27): ✔️ 9/19 (12/12): ➖ 9/30 (12/23): ✔️ 10/10 (1/2): ✔️

9/5 (11/28): ✔️ 9/20 (12/13): ✔️ 10/1 (12/24): ✔️ 10/11 (1/3): ✔️ (Day 33)

9/6 (11/29): ✔️ 9/21 (12/14): ✔️ 10/2 (12/25): ✔️ 10/12 (1/4): ✔️ (Day 34)

9/7 (11/30): ✔️ 9/22 (12/15): ✔️ 10/3 (12/26): ➖ 10/13 (1/5): ✔️ (Day 35)

9/8 (12/1): ✔️ 9/23 (12/16): ✔️ 10/4 (12/27): ➖ 10/14 (1/6): ✔️ (Day 36)

9/9 (12/2): ✔️ (PILATES 7-DAY RESET COMPLETE, Feeling a little bit under the weather)

9/10 (12/3): ➖ (Unfortunately and very annoyingly I am unwell so going to take a full rest day)

9/11 (12/4): ➖ (One more day of rest and then back up)

9/12 (12/5): ✔️ (Back at it)

9/13 (12/6): ✔️ 9/24 (12/17): ✔️ 10/5 (12/28): ✔️ 10/15 (1/7): ✔️ (Day 37)

9/14 (12/7): ✔️ 9/25 (12/18): ✔️ (Halfway mark, Woohoo)

9/15 (12/8): ✔️ 9/26 (12/19): ✔️ 10/6 (12/29): ✔️ 10/16 (1/8): ✔️ (Day 38, One more day to go)

9/16 (12/9): ✔️ 9/27 (12/20): ✔️ 10/7 (12/30): ✔️ (Day 30)

9/17 (12/10): ✔️ 9/28 (12/21): ✔️ 10/8 (12/31): ➖ 10/17 (1/9): ✔️ RW RUN STREAK COMPLETE YAY

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