Daily Bible Readings

Luke 1-4

Verse of note:

Indeed, His name is holy; and in every generation He has mercy on those who fear Him.

Verse of note:

“…through our God’s most tender mercy, which causes the sunrise to visit us from heaven, to shine on those in darkness, living in the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the paths of peace.”

Verse of note:

“In the highest heaven, glory to God! And on earth, peace among people of good will!”

Verse of note:

“This child will cause many in Isra’el to fall and to rise, he will become a sign whom people will speak against; moreover, a sword will pierce your own heart too. All this will happen in order to reveal many people’s inmost thoughts.”

Evening edit:

Verse of note:

“You snakes! Who warned you to escape the coming punishment? If you have really turned from your sins, produce fruit that will prove it! And don’t start saying to yourselves, ‘Avraham is our father’! For I tell you that God can raise up for Avraham sons from these stones! Already the axe is at the root of the trees, ready to strike; every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown in the fire!”

Verse of note:

Tax-collectors also came to be immersed; and they asked him, “Rabbi, what should we do?” “Collect no more than the government assesses,” he told them. Some soldiers asked him, “What about us? What should we do?” To them he said, “Don’t intimidate anyone, don’t accuse people falsely, and be satisfied with your pay.”

Verse of note:

When the adversary had ended all his testings, he let him alone until an opportune time.

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